Where to Start


If a man believes that the Lord might be calling him to live as a Dominican friar, he ought to pursue this desire through prayer and learning about the Order. During the inquiry phase, he should explore our websites (opeafrica.org) visit public events, consider attending a vocation weekend, and contact the Director of Vocations.

Most importantly, he ought to stay close to the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and the Mass and the sacrament of reconciliation, and pray to the Lord for clarity and courage. 

Criteria for applying to the Eastern Vicariate of Eastern Africa


After a suitable period of inquiry, a man who believes that the Lord is calling him to Dominican life in the Eastern Vicariate of Africa, ought to speak with the Director of Vocations about beginning the aspirancy. 

Aspirancy is a new step of commitment during which the man considers more seriously just what the shift from his current life into religious life will entail. During this time, he ought to deepen his routine of prayer, study, frequent confession, daily Mass. He and the Director of Vocations will continue to discuss whether life as a Dominican friar is truly a realistic option. 

During this time, the aspirant will be invited to get to know the Vicariate better through further visits to different communities. He may also be asked to write a spiritual autobiography and interviews with the Director of Vocations.


If both the aspirant and the Director of Vocations agree, the man may request an application. Ultimately it is the Director of Vocations who permits a man to apply to the novitiate. 

The application process involves general application forms, including letters of recommendation, a criminal background check, sacramental and financial records, and full medical exams. In addition, each application will be interviewed by the members of the Vicariate admission board and go through a psychological evaluation.

When the application is completed, it is the Prior Provincial, at the recommendation of the Vicar Provincial who decides whether or not to accept a man to the novitiate.