Sixteenth Sunday – B

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, when the Letter to the Ephesians speaks of those who are “in Christ,” it means by faith and love: “You…

Fifteenth Sunday – B

Everyone has an idea of what God is like. Some of these ideas of God are problems because they make people distance themselves from God.…

Fourteenth Sunday – B

A modern vaccination often introduces into the body a mild form of a disease, which the body is able to fight off in order to…

Thirteenth Sunday – B

In the mid to late forties, Jerusalem suffered a famine. When Paul met with the leaders of the Church in Jerusalem, about the year 47,…

Twelfth Sunday – B

“The charity of Christ impels us, once we have come to the conviction that one died for all” (2 Cor 5:14). Paul explains to the…

Eleventh Sunday

“We walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7).  “Walking” is a way of speaking about living, step by step. According to Paul,…

Tenth Sunday – B

Jesus was courageous. Right from the start, He met opposition. Many people were attracted to His teaching, so much so that He and His disciples…

Corpus Christi – B

The Book of Exodus tells us that after Moses came down from the mountain, bearing the commandments of the Law, he called the people together…

Trinity Sunday – B

St. Thomas Aquinas writes: “The purpose and the fruit of our whole life is the knowledge of the Trinity in unity” (Commentary on the Sentences,…


What is a “Paraclete”? In today’s Gospel, (John 15:26-27; 16:12-15), Jesus speaks of the “Paraclete.” The word “Paraclete” only appears in the Gospel of John.…