
What is a “Paraclete”? In today’s Gospel, (John 15:26-27; 16:12-15), Jesus speaks of the “Paraclete.” The word “Paraclete” only appears in the Gospel of John.…


The Resurrection and the Ascension initiate the triumph of goodness over, evil, sin and death on a cosmic scale. Does this victory reach down to…

Sixth Sunday of Easter -B

Is the Gospel telling us that, when the day comes that we actually keep Jesus’ commandments, we will live in His love? That would mean…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus wants you and I to be connected with Him. He uses a symbol we are all familiar with, a grapevine. He declares, “I am…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Each year, the Fourth Sunday of Easter looks at different aspects of Jesus being a shepherd. This Sunday is designated as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Today’s…

Third Sunday of Easter – B

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, did He still have His human body? Some people say that it wasn’t really a human body but some…

Second Easter of Easter

Second Sunday of Easter – B Why didn’t Jesus appear to His disciples in the early morning rather than wait until the evening of Easter?…

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday The Resurrection occurs “in the morning of the first day of the week” (Jn 20:1). St, Thomas Aquinas recalls that creation began on…

Holy Thursday

John’s Gospel tells us: “Jesus knew that His hour had come” (Jn 13:1). St. Thomas Aquinas comments: “It was foreseen and not fortuitous… He is…

Passion (Palm) Sunday – B

According to St. Justin (d. 165), early critics of Christianity thought the Christian belief that the Son of God suffered a horrendous death was incomprehensible:…