First Sunday of Lent – C

Jesus was “… one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin,” says theLetter to the Hebrews (Heb 4:15). Why was Jesus…

Eighth Sunday – C

“God gives us victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ!” As we stand around a burial site, we realize that we are losing a loved one and

Seventh Sunday – C

Jesus said to bless those who curse you. I once saw one of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity do that. I was helping in a soup

Sixth Sunday – C

Paul was shocked to discover that some of the Christians in Corinth did not believe in the resurrection from the dead (1 Cor 15:12, 16-20).

Fifth Sunday – C

For many of us, “gospel” means the four Gospels. Our word “gospel” is derived from theOld English word “God spel,” which means “good news.” Paul…


“For our sake He was presented to the Lord that we may learn to offer ourselves to theLord” St. Thomas Aquinas derived this explanation of…

Third Sunday – C

When St. Paul wanted to describe how Christians and Christ can have unity but alsodiversity, he used the example of the human body. Psalm 139:…

Second Sunday – C

Who is getting married today? According to St. Thomas Aquinas, it might be you. AsBiblical scholars would agree, Thomas’ depiction of the wedding at Cana…

Baptism of the Lord – C

Several years ago, as I entered a mall in Nairobi right after New Year’s Day, I saw aworkman on a ladder, taking down the Christmas…

Epiphany Sunday

St. Ignatius of Loyola encourages a form of prayer with which we visualize Gospelscene and even enter into them. Christian imagination has been doing this…